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Many people in the U.S. suffer from difficulty falling asleep or difficulty staying asleep which are termed “Insomnia”. This can be due to several reasons which can be categorized as primary or secondary insomnia.

Primary insomnia is when a person is having difficulty sleeping and is not related to any health condition whereas secondary insomnia is when a person is having difficulty sleeping due to a health condition like pain, medication, stress, depression, asthma, or heartburn to name a few.

For people suffering with secondary insomnia until the contributing factor is not eliminated then it will be difficult to reconcile their sleep because the root cause will continue bringing about their side effect. For people suffering with primary insomnia where there is no known contributing factor a wellness workup can be beneficial. The solution can be as easy as some lifestyle modifications.

In my practice I see a great deal of patients suffering from difficulty sleeping due to a hormonal imbalance and something else called ‘reactive hypoglycemia’. The first is an overabundance of cortisol produced at night due to a faulty circadian rhythm brought about by stressed out adrenal glands which then causes patients to have difficulty falling or staying asleep. The second is a term used for a dip in blood sugar that can occur at night while sleeping which then turns on a mechanism to raise your blood sugar in order for your brain to continue having the energy source (glucose) it needs to perform, but consequently that mechanism ends up waking you.

In order to address both of these we recommend a comprehensive blood panel to check for markers of inflammation, insulin resistance, liver, thyroid markers, and complete blood count to name a few. This will allow for a natural treatment protocol to address the insomnia at the root and find the solution to reconcile your sleep without the need for sleeping pills.