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Hair Loss

Hair loss can come by way of many contributing factors. It can be due to genetics, hormonal imbalance, anemia, auto-immune disease, stress, chronic illness, or endocrine disorders like hypothyroidism just to name a few. Whatever the source may be it is a sign your body is giving that points to a pathological mechanism which is not allowing the hair follicle to maintain a strong root.

We all experience hair loss because it is a natural occurring process of hair growth but when the hair loss is excessive and we find ourselves clogging a shower, covering a bathroom floor, and filling a hair brush with one use then we can benefit from a wellness workup. Often times people that suffer with hair loss buy supplements that claim to be for hair loss but the solution usually doesn’t come in a bottle.

If you are not genetically predisposed to being bald we recommend a comprehensive blood panel to get to the root cause of hair loss which checks for anemia, chronic illness, thyroid function, inflammatory markers, antibodies, and immune markers to name a few.

After identifying any physiological imbalance and correcting accordingly with the aid of nutrition/supplementation and lifestyle modification then we can start seeing a shift towards a heathier rate of hair loss. It is important to note that most of the times hair loss comes from within just like most other chronic conditions and by addressing any toxicity from within then we can see a difference on the outside.