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Do you experience lower abdominal discomfort due to constipation? Do you have at least one bowel movement per day? Have you been to your doctor in the past for infrequent bowel movements only to be told “that is normal for you, don’t worry about it”? Or do you take laxatives on a regular basis? It sounds like your digestive system is not working properly and you are suffering from constipation.

You are not alone. It is estimated that nearly 63 million Americans suffer from constipation and this is likely under estimated as it is a subject most keep to themselves. Occasional constipation is to be expected and may arise from travel, a change in work schedule or other temporary factors. However, constipation that is long term and chronic can have serious health consequences.

How do you know if you are constipated? Well, ideally we should have a bowel movement following every meal. So 2-3 times a day you should have a soft and formed bowel movement. That is ideal, but a minimum is to eliminate once per day. This is your body’s #1 and most efficient way of eliminating metabolic and toxic waste. Some of the more obvious signs of constipation are hard dry stool, difficulty or straining when eliminating, pressure or discomfort in the abdomen below the navel, acid reflux (what doesn’t go out comes back up), and foul smelling gas. But keep in mind, when constipation is left unchecked, you may develop less obvious symptoms such as headaches, skin conditions, frequent infections, allergies, or more serious inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis gastritis or even colon cancer.

There are many factors that affect the digestive process and the frequency of your elimination. The most obvious and easiest to fix is your diet. As it turns out, those fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds are not only full of nutrients but also loaded with fiber that helps keep your GI tract running smoothly. But it is not just what you eat, but also what you drink. Plenty of water is an absolute in order to hydrate the colon and allow the fiber to do its job.

What else can you do to benefit your digestive system and keep you going on a regular basis? Maintaining a regular routine and staying physically active can be very helpful. Additionally, supplementing with digestive enzymes and probiotics is an excellent way to support the proper functioning of your digestive system and promote regularity in a far more natural way than over the counter or prescription medications.

If you have been experiencing constipation and what to get to the root of the problem, let us help you. Contact us today……….